Saturday, August 24, 2013

Trail Camera Pictures Update

After having my automatic feeder stolen and switching to a homemade gravity feeder I have been getting a lot more activity at the feeder on my property in Fl. Also I am going through a lot more corn as the deer are getting an all they can eat buffet verses the 4 lbs. a day they were getting with the automatic feeder. I checked my camera today and had over 400 deer pictures this week. They are eating about 100 lbs. of corn a week with some help from the raccoon and turkey. I won't be able to keep that up for long.

The biggest of the four bucks that have been coming in just lost his velvet. I thought he was a wide 7 but upon getting clearer pictures I see he is a wide 6 point. I have some pictures of him from right before he dropped his last set of antlers and he has definitely gained some mass as well as another point. Here are some pictures of what has been coming in. Only three more weeks till archery opener!

Wide six last year and this year

The future is bright

Bucks are starting to visit closer to daylight hours
Lefty should be really interesting in a year or two

Young buck

Packed house

Friday, August 9, 2013

Florida Deer Hit List 2013

Well, I've managed to keep a trail camera on our Florida property for almost two weeks without it getting stolen. My neighbor must still be in jail. After checking the SD card this afternoon I was able to catch up with the bucks that frequent the property. I was very pleased to see how much their antlers have grown since last time I saw them back in June.

While I have many daylight pictures of does, the bucks are coming in under the cover of night. Hopefully that will change when the weather begins to cool and the rut kicks in, which is usually mid November where I'm at. I'll be more than happy to arrow a fat doe before that though. I'm just really getting excited about hunting my own property for the first time. Just a month to go!

Here are some pics of what's been showing up.

Daily Does

Lefty - this buck has an extra beam growing out of the left side of his head.

High Five - a tall five point

High Five, a forked buck and a wide seven point in the back.

The biggest buck, a wide seven point

Raccoon doesn't want to give way to forked buck

These little turkey have been visiting everyday